Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2014:
Title: Simulation Gasification of Solid Waste from Agricultural
Products in Vietnam
Authors: Hien Van Le, Nghia
Hieu Nguyen
Abstract: The interest in biomass
utilization has been enhanced in recent years. With the
Biomass-Heat pipeGasifier(HPG), an innovative
pressurized allothermic gasification technology, a
hydrogen-rich product gas can be generated, which is
well suitable for production of fuel gas. Based on this
model the thermo-chemical conversion process of solid
biomass in the HPG was analyzed. The operating
parameters reactor temperature and pressure as well as
mean residence time were varied and their influence on
amount and composition of residue char was determined.
Further an efficiency diagram, characterizing the
operation state of the HPG, was created.
Keywords: Biomass-Heat pipe-Reformer
(HPR), gasification, gasify.