Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 01 NO. 01 OCTOBER 2013:
Title: Tparison for a small scale wind farm which is
composed of singly fed induction and doubly fed
induction wind turbine generator systems
Authors: Chao Chanadee, Nattapan
Abstract: This paper presents the
comparison for a small scale wind farm which is composed
of singly fed induction and doubly fed induction wind
turbine generator systems. The singly fed induction
generators are actually largely depended on reactive
power, particularly when a fault occurs in the power
system, otherwise such induction wind turbine generator
become unstable and have to be disconnected from the
power system.In this paper, a wind farm topology is
considered, where connected wind turbine generator is
represented by a doubly fed induction generator, which
controlled by a back to back converter.No extra power or
current control loops are required, this simplify the
system design and improve transient performance of the
whole system.Simulation results clearly show that the
proposed topology is a cost effective solution and
simplify a systemdesign to minimize voltage fluctuation
of both wind turbine generators as well as to improve
the transient stability of the wind farm
Keywords: singly fed induction generator,
doubly fed induction generator, back to back converter,
Pages: 17-22