Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 03 JULY 2017:
Title: Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on Seismic Behaviour
of Base-Isolated
Nuclear Power Plants
Authors: Shafayat
Bin Ali* , Dookie Kim
Abstract: The soil-structure
interaction effects between the structure and its
geological medium become important for massive
structures such as nuclear power plants. The present
study investigates the effects of soilstructure
interaction (SSI) on the seismic responses of
base-isolated nuclear power plant (NPP). A comparison
between seismic performances of the base-isolated NPP
and rigidly fixed NPP to the ground is examined
considering SSI effects. In this study, a nuclear power
plant structure with total height of 65.8m is modelled
as a lumped mass stick model and seismic isolation
system is adopted by using lead rubber bearing (LRB)
isolation device. To incorporate SSI effects the
underlying soil medium is assumed as a homogenous
half-space and modelled by the concept of cone models.
Moreover, two shear wave velocities are used in SSI
system to represent the real rock site conditions of NPP
structures. The results leading to conclude that the
effects of SSI on seismic performances of the
base-isolated NPP are negligible than the rigidly fixed
NPP rested on rock sites.
Keywords: Nuclear Power Plant, Base
Isolation, Soil-Structure Interaction, Cone model,
Seismic Responses