Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 02 JULY 2017:
Title: Seismic
Slope Stability Analysis of Mahananda River Embankment
in Bangladesh
Rubieyat Bin Ali, Md. Mofizul Islam, Bijoy Sikder, Md.
Abdul Alim
Abstract: Stability
of structures such as embankments, dams and natural
riverside slopes are hampered due to the seismic
loading. To evaluate the seismic effect on stability of
slopes is a major concern in the field of geotechnical
engineering. Two-dimensional limit equilibrium method
(LEM) is common approach for analyzing slope stability.
Usually LEM is used to find out potential failure
mechanisms and factors of safety for slopes. The aim of
this study is to evaluate the effect of seismic loading
on the stability of Mahananda River Embankment of
Bangladesh by using LEM. The Bishop, Spencer,
Fellenious, Janbu and Morgenster-price simplified
methods are used for LEM. To conduct the study three
locations of Mahananda River Embankment are selected.
Soil properties are obtained from laboratory testing.
The numerical analysis is carried out using geotechnical
software GEO5 which is generally used for analyzing LEM
based slope stability problems. From the analysis, it is
noted that the factors of safety decrease with the
increase of horizontal seismic coefficient for slopes.
The horizontal seismic coefficient alone affects the
stability of slope severely than the combined effect of
horizontal and vertical seismic coefficient. The results
conclude that present condition of Mahananda river
embankment is stabilized under seismic loading.
Keywords: stability of slope,
limit equilibrium method, seismic coefficient.