Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 02 JULY 2017:
Title: Effect of
Clay Blanket and Chimney Filter against Seepage Failure
Authors: Md.
Mahmud Sazzad, Md. Mainur Rahman
Abstract: This paper presents the
effect of clay blanket, vertical and inclined chimney
filters on the phreatic line, variation of pore water
pressure and seepage discharge through earth dam.
Numerical analyses are conducted by SEEP/W. The results
are presented for homogeneous and zoned type earth dam
with clay blanket or chimney filters. Numerical results
depict that earth dam with vertical and inclined chimney
filter located at downstream side brings down the
phreatic line within the dam body that reduces the
piping and sloughing danger. Also the pore water
pressure is minimum in case of downstream vertical
chimney filter that reduces the possibility of blowout
at downstream toe. However, the seepage discharge is
greater in magnitude in case with vertical and inclined
chimney filter at downstream side that increases the
piping danger. In case of upstream and downstream clay
blanket, seepage discharge is much lower but pore water
pressure is higher than downstream vertical and inclined
chimney filter and is more susceptible to blowout
failure at downstream toe. Seepage discharge is found to
be minimum for dam provided with internal clay core
Keywords: Clay Blanket, Chimney Filter,
Seepage Failure, Pore water pressure
Pages: 77-83