Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 06 NO. 02 JULY 2017:

Title:        Lateral strength and safety evaluation of piers of Kadamtali flyover in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Authors:     Mohammad Raihan Mukhlis, Md. Abdur Rahman Bhuiyan
Abstract:    Chittagong, the only sea port city of Bangladesh, situated in seismically active region near Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt (CTFB) may experience certain strong earthquakes resulting severe damage of existing bridges like Kadamtali flyover. The current study mainly aims at safety evaluation of piers of Kadamtali flyover. To the end, failure mode, lateral strength and displacement ductility of piers have been evaluated as recommended by Japan Road Association (JRA). Ultimate flexural strength of piers has been computed from the force-displacement relationships obtained by the moment curvature relationships of piers as per JRA and using SeismoStruct. Moment curvature relationships of piers are derived from nonlinear sectional analysis of pier sections. Shear capacity of piers have been calculated by the equations provided by JRA. Lateral strengths have been determined depending on the three failure mode of the piers where displacement ductility have been computed using yield and ultimate displacement of flyover piers obtained from the force-displacement relationships. Three spectral accelerations corresponding to three peak ground accelerations (PGA) related to the seismic zoning of Bangladesh are used in safety evaluation. Lateral force demand of piers corresponding to spectral acceleration is determined using the displacement ductility and seismic weight. Finally, safety of the piers is evaluated according to ductility design method described by JRA.

Keywords: Flyover; Failure Mode; Lateral Strength; Displacement Ductility; Pushover Analysis; Safety Evaluation.
Pages:       45-56

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