Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 06 NO. 01 JANUARY 2017:

Title:        Assessment of Structural Behaviour of Precast Profiled Concrete Panels for use as Floor Slabs in Residential Buildings
 Kashif Amin, Bashir Alam, Khan Shahzada
: In this research study, the assessment of structural behaviour of precast profiled concrete panels was studied when used as floor slabs in residential buildings by testing of full scale models in laboratory. Trial mixes of locally available materials were used and cylindrical concrete specimens of concrete mixture were sampled and tested in accordance with the ASTM standards. Geometrical shape of the profiled panels was worked out in order to achieve optimum reduction in self-weight by eliminating the unnecessary portions of concrete under tensile stresses. In order to achieve an optimum concrete mix design, the actual results were cross-checked with the theoretically calculated compressive strength for the proposed panels. Two full scale specimens of the precast profiled concrete panels were constructed of the optimum concrete mix and reinforcement and finally,tested for third point loading. Precast profiled concrete panels showed excellent performance during testing and reflected failure in flexure. In addition, a reduction in self-weight of about 65% was noticed compared to solid slab made of the same concrete. Therefore, precast profiled concrete panels are recommended as structural supporting members whenever less weight and time for construction is an important objective to be achieved.
Precast Profiled Concrete Panels, Optimum Geometrical Shape, Residential Buildings.

pages              1-4

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