Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 05 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2016:

Title:          Rehabilitation of Full Scale Brick Masonry Cavity Wall Building
Authors:    Zarif Khan, Amjad Naseer, Muhammad Ashraf, Eid Badshah
Abstract: This paper presents comparison of results of a full scale pre damaged and conventionally repaired brick masonry cavity wall room which was tested under quasi static loading system. The damaged specimen already tested by another researcher was repaired conventionally using cement sand mortar (1:5) and retested under same loading conditions.Damage patterns and force-deformation behaviour of the repaired specimen were compared with the pre-damaged ones to quantify their effects on the performance of cavity wall building. Experimental data was analyzed and presented in the form of force-deformation hysteresis loops and envelope curves. During conventional repairing of specimen, lateral peak strength, lateral stiffness and ultimate displacement were restored by 86%, 29% and 100% respectively.

Keywords:  Cavity Wall, Retrofitting, Seismic Performance, Unreinforced Masonry
Pages:         141-143

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