Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 05 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2016:
Title: Investigation
of sub grade properties of G. T. Road, Pir Pyai Area
Muhammad Ali Safdar, Fazli Wahab, Umer Ammar Mahmood
Abstract: Arrangement of the diverse
black-top layers mostly depend on the nature of the
layers over which they will be laid. Subgrade quality is
for the most part conveyed similarly as CBR (California
Bearing Ratio). Weaker subgrade fundamentally obliges
thicker layers however more grounded subgrade runs well
with thinner black-top layers. The black-top and the
subgrade usually must backing the development
volume.Despite the way that a black-top's wearing course
is most detectable, the accomplishment or frustration of
a black-top is when in doubt subordinate upon the
concealed subgrade i.e., the material whereupon the
black-top structure is fabricated. Subgrade be made out
of a broad mixture of materials but some are
immeasurably enhanced than others in regards to kind of
soil.The examination focus tests were performed for the
determination of planning properties of soil, of Pir
Pyai area, Nowshera. Consequently, the earth example was
assembled structure "Pir Pyai Range, Nowshera" & passed
on to CECOS soil mechanics research office. The example
was protected from sunlight & air so that its moistness
substance may retain.
Keywords: Soil Density,
Atterberg's Limits, Soil Gradation, Proctor Compaction
Tests, California Bearing ratio
Pages: 115-119