Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 05 NO. 03 JULY 2016:
Title: Effect of Pre-compression and Mortar Ratios on the
In-Plane Shear Strength of Unreinforced Brick Masonry
Naveed Ali, Muhammad Ashraf, Haris Alam, Fasih Ahmed
Abstract: This paper aims to
study the In-plane shear strength of unreinforced brick
masonry. Under lateral loads i.e. earthquake, wind,
floods etc., it is commonly the walls that tend to
undergo shear failure in most of the cases. The failure
corresponding to these lateral loads during earthquake
can be purely shear if the mortar is weak. Mortar is
playing an important role in resisting lateral loads by
inducing friction in presence of vertical
precompression. Due to the importance of mortar, various
mortar ratios are tested to find the effect of mortar
ratios on the shear resisting properties of unreinforced
brick masonry. Similarly, the frictional component of
shear strength depends on vertical stresses, therefore,
four different precompression levels are also selected
and used. Standard brick unit prevalent in Pakistan is
considered, similar to units that can be found also in
neighboring countries like India, Iran and Bangladesh
amongst others. The results showed that by using rich
mortar helps in increasing the shear strength as
compared to lean mortar. Four different mortar ratios
are used which are common in construction of masonry
structures. 12 samples each of 4 mortar ratios are
tested. The shear strength parameters i.e. cohesion and
coefficient of friction are monitored and observed and
are related to the compressive strength of mortar as
well as the mortar ratio. Empirical correlations are
developed, which can be used for shear design of
unreinforced masonry.
Keywords: Shear, Shear Strength,
Compression, Mortar, Unreinforced Brick Masonry.