Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 05 NO. 03 JULY 2016:

Title:      Comparative study of seismic analysis of multistory buildings with shear walls and bracing systems
Authors:    Md. Samdani Azad, Syed Hazni Abd Gani
Abstract:  The application of the shear wall system in reinforced concrete (RC) buildings has become widely used to minimize seismic consequences. Besides, the buildings using concentrated steel bracings system are used for the same reasons in steel structures buildings. Both of the systems have significance of the structural performance. Although both systems are used for same the reasons, their effect shows unequal variations and behaviour against seismic load. This is for the reason that the values of response factors are miscellaneous for varying structural systems. This paper contains a numerical approach to show dissimilarity between the shear wall system and steel bracing system. The new approach of this research is strengthening lateral force resisting system by using steel bracing. A gradual process has been done step by step to show comprehensible contrasts between the systems. For implicit results, East Malaysia has considered as the corresponding region. The overall analysis has been carried out using Etabs9.7 software

Keywords:  Shear Wall System, Steel Bracing System, Seismic Load
Pages:         72-77

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