Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 05 NO. 01 JANUARY 2016:
Effects of Retrofitting and Re-Strengthening of
Buildings in Kabul City Land Use and Master Plan
Rahumullah Habibzai, Mitsuhiro Shigeishi
Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan and the
fifth fastest growing city in the world. As an unwanted
consequence of this growth, 70% of Kabul citizens are
living in unplanned inhabitant areas. Currently, around
three million people are living in unplanned residential
areas, which lack vital infrastructure in both material
and social terms. This review-paper focuses on effects
of retrofitting and re-strengthening on structural plan
and land use plan of Kabul. Most buildings in these
areas are vulnerable to natural or man-made disasters.
Re-strengthening and retrofitting old buildings would be
not only result in cost savings but also in a better
strategy of land adjustment. Furthermore, such efforts
would help to achieve objectives for creating a
sustainable city. The best option for realization of
optimal land-use policy and mitigation of congestion in
Kabul is the distribution of urban cores, or
multi-centralization, and redistribution of the
population. Re-strengthening and retrofitting buildings
would also improve the economic situation of both
government and landlords.
Kabul Master Plan, Retrofitting of Buildings,
Re-Strengthening of Buildings, Land use in Kabul City,
Structure Rehabilitation