Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 04 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2015:

Title:           Design optimization of cantilever retaining wall using direct optimal design simulation
Authors:      Umer Ammar Mahmood, Bashir Alam
Abstract:    Retaining walls are designed based on different approaches and most of the time they are oversized and are uneconomical to cast. Most of researchers have developed routine to optimize the design of retaining wall. In this research paper, study of different techniques is performed and concluded the simplest algorithm can analyze the cantilever wall with initial design input satisfying both internal and external constraints.  

Keywords:  Retaining wall Optimization, Cantilever Wall, Flexural Design, Shear Design, Cost Function
Pages:        243-246

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