Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 04  NO. 03 JULY 2015:

Title:        Internal Curing in High Performance Concrete
 Iftikhar Azim, Sikandar Hayat Sajid, Muhammad Umar, Muhammad Usman Khan
This research aims at studying the prospects of using the sawdust for internal curing of high performance concrete (HPC). Sawdust is used as a lightweight aggregate to replace the normal weight fine aggregate.Thus it is a two-pronged research which investigates the optimum content of sawdust which when added to HPC gives a lightweight concrete with an internal source of curing. Several concrete specimens with different sawdust content and a control set of concrete specimen were produced in the laboratory. The variable studied is the different sawdust content in different sets of concrete specimens. The compressive strength is established as the measure of best sawdust content. It is concluded that a proper content of sawdust may be efficiently used to replace the normal weight fine aggregate and as a source of internal curing for HPC.
High Performance Concrete, Internal Curing, Sawdust, Compressive Strength

pages             186-189

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