Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 03 JULY2015:
Title: A
study on treated recycled coarse aggregate to achieve
different concrete target strength
Authors: Tafsirojjaman, M. O. Imam
The recycled aggregate prepared from the
crushing of old concrete was studied. It was found that
the recycled aggregate is covered with loose particles
that may prevent good bonding between the new cement
matrix and the recycled aggregate. The old cement paste
that remained on the natural aggregate was porous and
cracked, leading to weak mechanical properties of the
recycled aggregate. In the present study, the recycled
aggregate made from old concrete and treatment to
improve material properties of the recycled aggregate by
impregnation of ordinary Portland cement solution will
be applied with the objective of overcoming the
abovementioned limitations. Previous experiment has
shown that maximum strength of concrete is achieved at
FM 1.23 for target strength 3000 psi. After experiment
we can found that, the mechanical properties of recycled
aggregate has been increased after treatment and an
increase of 21.26% and 14% in the compressive strength
at ages 7 and 28 days was observed after the OPC
treatment for 3000 Psi concrete and an increase of
18.52% and 12.7% in the compressive strength at ages 7
and 28 days was observed after the OPC treatment for
4000 Psi concrete.
Treated recycled coarse aggregate, fine
aggregate of FM 1.23, Physical properties of
aggregate,Concrete, Compressive Strength
pages 173-176