Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 04 NO. 02 APRIL 2015:

Title:        Analysis of elevated water storage structure using different stagging system
G. P. Deshmukh, Ankush S. Patekhede
From the very upsetting experiences of few earthquakes, like Bhuj earthquake (2001) in India R.C.C elevated water tanks were heavily damaged or collapsed. This was might be due to the lack of knowledge regarding the proper behavior of supporting system of the tank due to the dynamic effect and also due to improper geometrical selection of staging. The main aim of this study is to understand the behaviour of different staging, under different loading conditions and strengthening the conventional type of staging, to give better performance during earthquake. Equivalent Static Analysis, for five different types of bracing systems, applied to the staging of elevated circular water tank in zone IV, is carried out using STAAD Pro. Comparison of base storey shear and nodal displacements of the container of circular water tank for empty, half filled and full condition is done.Eleven models are used for calculating base shear and nodal displacements After calculating base shear and nodal displacements of eleven models for empty , half filled & full condition of container applying with different types of bracing system in staging then economy point of view project study suggest such type of bracing which gives minimum base shear as well as considerable displacement for measure earthquake zones.

Composite Beams, Elasticity, Stresses, Initial Functions

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