Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:
Identification of blackspots for safe commuting using
weighted severity index and GIS
Pavan R. Vyas, Madan L. Honnappanavar, H. B. Balakrishna
Abstract: The
growth in the number of vehicles is a direct result of
rapid growth of population and increased economic and
technological development. But unfortunately, the
corresponding growth in the road network has not been
commensurate with the huge growth in vehicular
population. Without adequate and timely maintenance,
roads deteriorate excessively leading to high vehicle
operation costs and increase in number of
accidents. The location where there is possibility of
occurrence of accidents is known as blackspots.
Identification of these blackspots on highway has always
been challenge to highway engineers. Several methods
have been tried to detect the locations with high rate
of accidents in order to reduce the accidents. There are
statistical methods, which are helpful in the
identification of these blackspots, but fail to identify
the reason behind it. The success of traffic safety and
highway improvement programs hinges on the analysis of
accurate and reliable traffic accident data .The study
discuses the present state of traffic accident
information on SH-85 from Tavarekere to Magadi Town in
Karnataka State. It shall also discuss the
identification of blackspots by using Weighted Severity
Index method. GIS Software is used in analyzing and
prioritizing the blackspots. An attempt is also made to
mitigate the blackspots by some engineering measures to
provide an improved traffic safety.
Keywords: GIS, Accident Analysis,
Weighted Severity Index, Blackspots
Pages: 47-51