Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
Title: Testing
of CFRP Retrofitted RC Circular Hollow Bridge Column
under Seismic Demand
Authors: Ahsan Ali,
Syed Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Taimur Khan, Asif Ali,
Shahzad Rehman
Abstract: Bridges are considered as
life line structures. During an earthquake, dynamic
forces induce inertial force into the structure which
results in damage to lateral load resisting members,
which are typically piers in bridges. Hollow bridge
columns are required when longer spans are constructed
or taller piers are needed or both. The hollow piers are
subjected to high seismic demand, hence it is essential
to evaluate their seismic performance. In this research
the energy dissipation capacity of CFRP retrofitted RC
circular hollow bridge column under seismic demand has
been calculated. A representative prototype dimensions
were established from the available bridge drawings and
a scale down hollow column model was prepared using
similitude analysis. The model column was subjected to
unknown damage. The damaged model was then retrofitted
by using CFRP wrap. The time period of the model column
was calculated and the retrofitted column was subjected
to quasi-static cyclic testing. The energy dissipated
per cycle and the cumulative energy dissipated was
calculated from the load displacement data. The energy
dissipation data of retrofitted hollow column was
compared with energy dissipation data of solid circular
and retrofitted solid circular column data of previous
researchers and an R-Factor value for hollow bridge
column was also proposed.
Keywords: CFRP, Energy dissipation,
Hollow bridge column, Seismic demand, Quasi-static
cyclic testing
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