Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
Title: Application
of sodium silicate-cement grout to enhance the
liquefaction resistance and dynamic properties of sandy
Authors: To Anh Vu
Abstract: The article aims to present an
experimental dynamic behavior of grouted sand. Two
different base gradations of between the Nos. 4 and 40
sieve sizes (4/40) and between the Nos. 40 and 100 sieve
sizes (40/100) were mixed with different ratios. Three
different ratios of sodium silicate-cement grout (0%,
7%, 14%), by volume, were permeated to mixed sample. The
specimens were allowed to cure after 3 and 14 days. The
cyclic triaxial test found that the grouted-sand
significantly enhanced the liquefaction resistance.
Also, the cyclic stress ratio-grout content relation can
be analytically expressed in an exponential function
with a highly reliable (R2 greater than equal to e0.96).
Resonant column test showed that shear modulus
non-linearly decreased as shear strain increased, and
increased with increasing the grout content and
confining pressure. For damping ratio, the result of
grouted sands was greater than
that of non-grouted sand with the amplitude of strain in
range of 0.001% and 0.1%; however, with the amplitude of
strain greater than 0.1%, result of non-grouted-sand was
greater than that of grouted-sand.
Sodium silicate, Cement, Liquefaction
resistance, Shear modulus, Damping ratio
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