Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
Title: Effect
of sample size on the macro and micro-scale behavior of
granular materials using 3D DEM
Authors: Md. Mahmud
Sazzad, Md. Gauhor Mahmood, Bidduth Kumar Mondol
This paper presents the effect of sample size
on the macro- and micro-scale behaviors of granular
materials such as sand using the three-dimensional (3d)
discrete element method (dem). Three numerical samples
of different sizes were prepared using spheres as
particles. During the random sample generation, spheres
of different radii were placed randomly in a cube
without any contact. After the random generation of
three successful samples, they were subjected to
isotropic compression by moving their boundaries inward.
Simulations of true triaxial compression tests were
carried out using these samples to investigate their
behaviors both at macro- and micro-scale. The numerical
results indicate that the tress-strain-dilative behavior
agrees well with the laboratory based experimental
results qualitatively for different sample sizes. Small
size sample attains the highest strength and it
decreases as the sample size increases. It is noted that
the evolution of coordination number is the highest for
small size sample and it decreases as the sample size
Sample Size, Micro-Scale, Granular Materials,
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