Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763


Title:        Foundation system adopted to construct building in and around KUET campus of the Bangladesh
Md. Assaduzzaman, Md. Rafizul Islam, Muhammed Alamgir
The subsoil of southwest region of bangladesh, especially in the surrounding of kuet campus that is situated in lowland topography with a very thick soft fine grained and organic soil deposits up to great depth. This paper describe the case studies of different foundation system adopted for the construction of some building in and around kuet campus. The building in this region are experienced very large amount of total and differential settlement. While constructed conventional shallow foundation, as a result constructed infrastructure lost their utility and abandoned in some cases. Geotechnical engineers have been facing such difficulties for the last few decades and rate of the construction of civil infrastructure have been increased in the recent years. Based on the field experiences and to ensure the foundation stability, different types of foundation have been practiced in kuet campus such as the construction of amar ekushy hall, rokeya hall and new academic building. Based on the reveled subsoil conditions of the study area, a general soil profile is adopted in this study. The adopted foundation system ranges from continuous brick footing to pile foundation. Considering the engineering soundness, safety of building and the cost, a foundation system associated with ground improvement using sand compaction piles and mat foundation over a compacted sand layer is proposed. Based on study, the soil is very soft and there is organic layer between two clayey layers. Sand cushion with mat foundation and another sand compaction pile with single column foundation is suitable. Normally pile foundation is suitable but pile length is high so cost is higher than other foundation. Brick foundation is not suitable for this campus and around of this campus. Special attention is needed to take care for design foundation

Foundation, Stabilization, Compressive Strength, Laboratory, Additives and Capacity
Page no:     333-338

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