Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Optimal Design of Simply Supported Prestressed Concrete
Girders using Direct Optimization Technique
Authors: Muhammad Afaq
Khalid, Bashir Alam, Muhammad Rizwan, Abdul Rehman
In this work an algorithm is developed for the
optimal design of simply supported prestressed concrete
girders subjected to the stress and deflection
constraints of the ACI code specifications. The
objective is to minimize the total cost of the
symmetrical I-section girder, considering cost of
concrete, prestressing and mild steel. The design
variables considered are, width and thickness of flange,
width and depth of web, tendon layout, and area of
prestressing and mild steel. Explicit constraints on the
design variables are developed on the basis of geometric
requirements, practical conditions for construction, and
code restrictions. The technique for optimization used
is modified Box Complex method; applied for the first
time to prestressed concrete girders and has proven as
an efficient tool for finding the optimal design of
simply supported prestressed concrete girders. In order
to perform analysis, design and optimization of simply
supported prestressed concrete girders a program is
formulated in Visual Basics .NET (VB.Net) programming
language. The technique resulted in optimum solution for
design variables having different sensitivities. The
designs of two prestressed concrete girders are
optimized in order to observe the behavior of this
technique. The result demonstrates encouraging design
improvements and rate of convergence.
Keywords: Optimization; Box Complex
Method; Prestressed concrete girders; Minimum cost;
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