Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Title: Probabilistic
Risk Evaluation of RC Building - Comparison of Modeling
Authors: Vimal
Chaudhary, K. S. Babu Narayan
Seismic provisions have several parameters
which can be utilized to improve the performance of the
structures under seismic excitations. Many studies have
shown that the damage index of a structure can be
decreased by changing these parameters. However, the
behavior of structures subjected to earthquake
excitations is probabilistic rather than deterministic.
Moreover, the origin of earthquakes, the inherency of
earthquakes caused by fault movement, is stochastic as
well. This uncertainty is in the whole property of
earthquake records, such as PGA and frequency content.
The evaluation of structures cannot be concluded if all
these uncertainties are neglected. In addition, there is
no sufficient guarantee that considering such
parameters, which are definitely introduced in seismic
provisions, improves the performance of structures and
operates very precisely. A decrease in damage index does
not mean that the probability of damage exceedance and
loss estimation can be declined. Moreover, the origin of
earthquakes, the inherency of earthquakes caused by
fault movement, is stochastic as well. Hence, the
uncertainty is in the whole property of earthquake
records, such as peak ground acceleration and frequency
content. Vulnerability and risk assessment can be
evaluated in a deterministic or a probabilistic way and
this study makes a comparison between the two modeling
approaches based on the capacity spectrum method
procedures. Comparison of fragility curves developed
using different procedures is studied and applicability
is discussed. Seismic fragility curves were developed
and damage probability indices has been constructed for
the chosen example problems.
Keywords: Mander Method,
Moment-Curvature, Modified Kent & Park Method, Fragility
Curve, Damage Index
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