Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Time-Cost Relationships of Construction Industry in
Authors: Rahamam MD.
Mizanur, Kim soo yong, Kwon joon an
Bangladesh is one of the newly born developing
countries. Development of construction industry has a
significant role in contributing to the overall
development of a country. Similar to other developing
countries, delay and cost overruns are common problems
that cause many negative effects on the efficiency of
construction projects in Bangladesh. Therefore,
accurately predicting the construction time and cost
could bring various benefits to all project parties.
This study was carried out to develop existing time-cost
relationship in construction projects. The Bromilow’s
basic has been used to establish time-cost
relationships. The research data were collected from
fifty nine completed different construction projects
through questionnaire survey. Type of clients/ sectors
and tender methods are the project characteristics
considered in this study. The results of analysis
indicated that the time-cost models developed for each
project characteristic are appropriate due to acceptable
coefficient of determination and relatively small mean
percent errors. The values of R2 and adjusted R2 showed
that BTC relationships are good fit and could be applied
to the different construction projects. Furthermore, the
results also show that the cubic regression model has
been generated the maximum values of R2 in terms of type
of public sector projects, while cubic regression model
is for all of the remaining characteristics of projects.
It means that BTC linear regression model is not the
best fit regression model. These findings of this study
are expected to be significant contributions to
Bangladesh construction industry in controlling current
performance of project on time overrun.
Time-cost relationship, Construction project,
Regression models, Bangladesh
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