Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Study on meteorological data and consumptive irrigation
requirement for four Upazilas in Rajshahi
Authors: M. K.
Bhuiyan, B. Ahmed, M. A. A. Imran
The nature of land surface is different in
different areas in Bangladesh. Rajshahi is a city in
western Bangladesh. It is located in the north-west part
of the country and situated on the northern banks of the
river Padma. This study was conducted for four upazilas
such as Godagari, Paba, Durgapur and Puthiaupazila in
Rajshahi district of Bangladesh to estimate the
consumptive use and consumptive irrigation requirement
for various earth surface. As Penman’s method provides
more accurate result so that it was used in this study.
In this study data was collected from the zonal office
of Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA),
Rajshahi and Bangladesh Meteorological Department,
Meteorological complex, Agargaon, Dhaka. From the data
analysis the maximum value of consumptive use is 7.31
mm/day in the month of May, 2012 for water surface and
the minimum value of consumptive use is 1.09 mm/day in
the month of December, 2012 for bare land. The maximum
value of consumptive irrigation requirement is 7.01
mm/day for water surface in Godagari, Durgapur and
Puthiaupazila. Consumptive use and as well as
consumptive irrigation requirements are higher for water
surface and lower for surface of bare land due to effect
of evaporation.
Consumptive use, consumptive irrigation
requirement, Penman’s method
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