Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Optimization of Truss Structures using cuckoo
search algorithm
Jayanthi V., Manigandan M., Velrajkumar G.,
Saravanan M.
Abstract: In recent years optimization
techniques are being used in a wide spectrum of
industries, including aerospace, automotive, chemical,
electrical, mechanical, civil and manufacturing
industries. With rapidly advancing computer technology,
computers are being more powerful and correspondingly
the size and the complexity of the problems being solved
using optimization techniques are also increasing. In
civil engineering field, optimization of truss
structures using metaheuristic approaches is gaining
much importance and found to be more successful in the
field of structural optimization, due to its viability
and reliability of promising solutions that are being
generated at each time step. Several researchers have
contributed in the field of structural optimization with
an aim to find optimal design of structures. In the
present work, an attempt has been made to develop an
enhanced version of cuckoo search algorithm that mimics
the principle of brood parasitic behaviour. The
viabilities of the proposed algorithm are tested through
a series of truss problems to find the minimum weight
design. The solutions obtained using the proposed
algorithm is found to be better in terms of minimum
weight compared to those of other algorithm like Ant
Colony Optimization algorithm, Genetic Algorithm etc.,
Truss Structures, Optimization, Algorithms,
Cuckoo Search
Page No: 158-161