Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Title: Performance
of admixture soil as a bottom liner of landfill
Authors: Choton M. Mahmud,
Muhammed Alamgir
A bottom liner of landfill is intended to be a
low permeable barrier, which is laid down under
engineered landfill sites. Until it deteriorates, the
liner retards migration of leachate, and its toxic
constituents, into underlying aquifers or nearby rivers,
causing spoil of the local water. To improve the quality
of local clayey soil (from kuet campus at a depth of
5-7feet below the ground level) as a bottom liner of
landfill an admixture (bentonite clay) has been mixed
with that soil at different proportions. The criteria as
clay liner such as (coefficient of permeability) k≤
1x10-7 cm/sec, (plasticity index) pi>7%, 30% fines of
which 15% is clay and (water content) w%> plastic limit
has been checked with the mix of bentonite respectively
0%, 7% and 10% (daniel & coerner,1995). All criteria
were not met when checked without mixing any amount of
bentonite with sample specimen. After that, 7% bentonite
was mixed with the soil and slight improvement was found
in the properties of soil. Finally increasing the amount
of bentonite as 10% all the criteria were met.
Coefficient of permeability was found as 0.54x10-7 cm/s,
plasticity index was 16.80%, percentage of fines was
greater than 30% and optimum moisture content was
greater than plastic limit.
Landfill, bentonite as admixture ,bottom liner
and safe disposal of solid waste
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