Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 03 NO. 01 JANUARY 2014:

Title:       Behaviour of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement Over Stone Dust Grouted Sub base
Haradhan Sarkar, Printal Chandra Halder, T. L. Ryntathiang
This paper describes structural behavior of interlocking concrete block pavement (ICBP) that is laid over a subbase of grouted single size aggregate with stone dust and confined by plastic cell made from thin polyethylene. Though the experimental study aims at evaluating the performance of interlocking concrete block pavement by static plate load test on a laboratory setup with three different pockets of cell whose sizes are of 150mm x 150mm, 200mm x200mm and 250mm x 250mm with constant thickness of 100mm, but for the present study, plate load test was carried out on ICBP laid on subbase with confinement of 150mm x 150mm only. Studies were carried out on the behavior of ICBP without and with jointing sand. Elastic modulus of each layer has been back-calculated using the computer program KENPAVE. From the test results it is evident that the pavement without jointing sand deflects about 14% more than that with jointing sand. The determined equivalent elastic modulus of the pavement structure for subgrade soils, subbase and concrete block layer without and with jointing sand are 59.58 MPa, 232 MPa, 470 MPa and 2352 MPa respectively.

Concrete Block, ICBP, Concrete Block Pavement, Equivalent Modulus, and Compressibility.
Page No:     44-48

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