Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 01 JANUARY 2014:
Title: Assessment
of engineering properties of locally available light
weight aggregates used in concrete
Zain ul Abidin, Bashir Alam, Salman Afzal
This paper aims at addressing the variation of
fundamental period when the ductility and the
damageability criteria varies. In order to investigate
the influence of drift limitation on the fundamental
period of vibration a huge parametric study using modal
dynamic analysis, composed of 144 designed cases of
steel moment resisting frames has been conducted. These
are compared with the code prescribed fundamental
period. It is observed that as the drift limitation
varies from the more relax to the most stringent the
fundamental period decreases and therefore the stiffness
of the frame increases. The obtained period from the
code are in the same range to the one obtained from the
modal analysis when the strict drift limit is employed
in the design.
Fundamental period, Eurocode 8, Drift
limitations, Moment resisting frames, Behaviour factor
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