Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 03 NO. 01 JANUARY 2014:

Title:          Influence of Fibres on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Curing Concrete
S. Jemin Joel, S. Varatharajan, D. Maruthachalam, S. Antony Jeyendran
Concrete is the most widely used construction material owing to its good compressive strength and durability in this present scenario. Depending upon the nature of work, cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water are mixed in specific proportions to produce plain concrete. Plain concrete needs a congenial atmosphere of moisture for a minimum period of 28 days for good hydration and desired strength. Any laxity in curing will badly affect the strength and durability of concrete. Self-curing concrete is one of the special concretes that mitigate insufficient curing due to human negligence. Paucity of water in arid areas, inaccessibility of structures in difficult terrains and in areas where the water is contaminated by fluorides will badly affect the characteristics of concrete. The present study involves the use of super-absorbent polymer admixture in concrete which helps in self curing and assists in attaining better hydration and strength. Here, the effect of admixture SAP and fibre on compressive strength, split tensile strength and modulus of rupture by varying the percentage of admixture by weight of cement is found. The grade of concrete selected for this study was M40. It was found that SAP could help in self curing by providing strength on par with conventional curing. The dosage of self curing agent is 0.3% by weight of cement and polypropylene fibre varying from [0.1%-0.5%] by weight of cement. It was found that 0.3% of SAP and 0.3% of polypropylene fibre by weight of cement was optimum for M40 grade concrete for achieving maximum strength without compromising workability.

Curing, Self-curing Concrete, Self-curing Agent, Fibrous Self-curing Concrete, super-absorbent polymer, Polypropylene Fibre
Page No:     7-10

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