Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 04  OCTOBER 2013:

Title:        Comparison properties corresponding to recycling and fresh concrete
  Md. Alamin, Md. Shofiqul Islam, Md. Khalakuzzaman Molla,
Saiful Islam Sharker, S.M.Abdullah Al Faruq
 Demolished concrete was crushed to provide as new coarse aggregate. Recycle is the reprocessing of wastes to recover an original raw material .Recycling Concrete is becoming an increasingly popular way to utilize aggregate left behind when structures are demolished. The results of an extensive experimental programmer aimed at examining the performance of Portland –cement concrete produced with Fresh coarse and recycled coarse aggregates are reported in this paper. Then determine and analysis the properties of recycle coarse aggregates and recycle coarse aggregate’s concrete. Then compared their properties corresponding to fresh coarse aggregate and its concrete. The effects of 100% recycled concrete coarse aggregate are used in the Portland –cement concrete .it is suitable for use in designed application.

Keywords: Demolished concrete, fresh coarse aggregate, recycled coarse aggregate, tensile, compressive
pages:         147-151

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