Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 04  OCTOBER 2013:

Title:       Effective Utilization of High Volume Flyash with Light Weight Aggregate in Concrete for Construction Industry
  S. Lokesh, M. G. Ranjith Kumar, S. Loganathan
The selection of this title is to use fly ash, effectively and environment friendly nature in concrete construction. Fly ash is a waste material from thermal power plant is converted into light weight aggregate (i.e., production of fly ash based aggregates either by bonding or sintering technique) for use in concrete as porous light weight in nature. They are weaker than conventional normal weight aggregates and produce light weight concretes. Mortar portion is very important in achieving strengths in light weight aggregate concretes.Fly ash is also used as pozzolanic material for partial replacement of Portland cement in the light weight aggregate concretes. Such light weight aggregate concrete with high volume fly ash cement has all the attributes of high performance concrete i.e. excellent mechanical properties, lower permeability, superior durability and environmental friendly nature. Incorporation of silica fume in small quantities in high volume light weight aggregate concrete is likely to compensate the deficiency occurring in initial days. The results of the investigation reported here in, have shown that the light weight aggregate concrete made with cement mortar in combined use of fly ash with silica fume, has improved the strength development in initial days.

Keywords: High Volume Fly Ash, Flyash Aggregates, Silica Fume, Compressive Test, Split Tensile Test,Flexural Test
pages:         142-146

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