Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 04 OCTOBER  2013:

Title:     Significance of Silt Content and Void Ratio on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Sand-Silt Mixtures
S. M. Rezwan Hossain, Md. Abdul Qaiyum Talukder, Shariful Islam, Md. Rafiue Islam
In case of undrained and partially drained loading of granular soils with fines, hydraulic conductivities play a vital role on the pore pressure generation. 200 No. sieve has been used to separate silt-clay from sand. Silt and clay mixed has been dissolved in water. Consolidation tests have been performed on two types of sand with the mixture of 5%, 15% and 25% silt in it. Slurry of sand-silt mixture has been used to prepare sample as undisturbed condition for consolidation tests. From this research we can know about the properties of two types of sands (kushtia sand and khulna local sand) mixing with various amount of silts. The data evaluated from tests shows that with the decreasing amount of silt in the sand-silt mixtures hydraulic conductivities increase. On the other hand, for finer sand hydraulic conductivity is lower than comparatively coarser sand. If the permeability of sand is not good then it effect on the total effective pressure of the soil under the foundation of any structure as the rainwater cannot drained out. For good drainage system sand of a construction site should have high rate of hydraulic conductivity.

Keywords:  Hydraulic conductivity, Co-efficient of permeability, Void ratio, Sand-silt mixture, Pore water pressure, Effective pressure
pages:         132-141

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