Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 02 APRIL 2013:
Title: Stabilization
of Clayey Soil using Cement Kiln Waste
Authors: Y. Keerthi, P. Divya
Kanthi, N. Tejaswi, K. Shyam Chamberlin, B.
Abstract: Day by day increasing demand of
cement results in intense collection of kiln dust from
cement plants.The disposal of this fine dust becomes an
environmental threat. In order to overcome this problem,
research is being carried out in different parts of the
world to find out the economical and efficient means of
using cement kiln dust (CKD) various applications like
soil stabilization, cement production, pavements, waste
product stabilization, and agriculture and cement
products, etc. Keeping in mind the need for bulk use of
these solid wastes in India, it was thought expedient to
test these materials and to develop specifications to
enhance the use of these industrial wastes in soil
stabilization. In the course of the study, this research
has been able to establish the reactions between soil
and cement. It has been established that the chemical
compounds found in soil;quartz, feldspar, dolomite,
calcite, montmorillonite, kaolinite etc. react with the
chemical constituents found in different identified
chemical stabilizers. The purpose of using CKD, and the
other additives, is to improve the texture, increase the
strength and reduce the swell characteristics of the
various soils. This paper represents the stabilization
of clayey soil using cement kiln waste. The soil taken
from Ravendrapadu in Andhra Pradesh containing different
properties in various percentages is mixed with CKD in
different proportions and parameters like dry density
and moisture content are found out. By examining the
values obtained ideal values are obtained at 50%
proportional mix of CKD in total percentage.
Keywords: Cement Kiln Dust (CKD), Soil
Stabilization, Industrial Wastes
Pages: 77-82