Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 02 APRIL 2013:

Title:          Investigation of Styrofoam as Lightweight Aggregate
Bashir Alam, Zahid Ullah, Faheem Ullah Jan, Khan Shahzada, Salman Afzal
This research work utilized the laboratory evaluation of the performance of Styrofoam in concrete as lightweight aggregate by focusing on its ability to reduce dead load without significant reduction in compressive strength. Styrofoam particles of 0.50 inch-square sizes were used to partially replace (by volume) coarse aggregates. The study mainly focuses on the comparison of compressive strength and unit weight of concrete.Standard sized cylindrical specimens (6”×12”) were prepared for this purpose. The compressive strength and unit weight of normal density concrete, prepared at mix design ratio of 1:2:4 (cement: sand: coarse aggregate) were used as yardstick for comparison with Styrofoam lightweight concrete.

Keywords:  Styrofoam, Lightweight concrete, Compressive strength
Pages:         50-53


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