Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
Title: Study
on Performance Evaluation of Adhesive Anchors in
Authors: Anwar Shah, Qaisar Ali, Bashir
Alam, Khan Shahzada, Rawid Khan, Naveed Ahmad
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to
evaluate the ability of single adhesive anchors to
resist sustained tensile load when installed in concrete
and to develop a rationale guideline for their design
and selection.Currently, most of the designers follow
adhesives manufacturer’s recommendations. Every
manufacturer is claiming the best properties for its
products through its product manuals, however, despite
its widespread use,very seldom any one of these products
have been tested in a laboratory to verify their actual
properties.Toevaluate the tensile strength of the
epoxies used for reinforcing anchors, pull out tests
were performed on the steel bars anchored at two
different development lengths of 3 & 6 inches using the
material of two manufacturers. This helped in
recommending the minimum depth for the installation of
anchors using epoxies.For the purpose of comparison pull
out test were also performed on steel bars anchored, at
two different evelopment lengths 6 & 9 inches, using
ready mixed grout. The results shown by the epoxies for
3 inches anchorage depth did not agree with the claims
made by the manufacturers, however, the epoxies showed
good results for 6 inches anchorage depth. For 9 inches
or more anchorage depths the ready mixed grout showed
good results than epoxies.
Keywords:Development length, Anchors,
Adhesives, pull out test, Epoxy
Pages: 74-78