Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 01 NO. 01 JULY 2012:

Title:       Strengthening of Brick Masonry Walls Against Earthquake Loading
 Khan Shahzada, Muhammad Javed, Bashir Alam, Mansoor Khan,
Zaigham Ali, Hassan Khan, Syed Shahan Ali Shah
This paper presents a research on the enhancement of unconfined and unreinforced brick masonry walls against earthquake loadings in Pakistan. Different unreinforced brick masonry walls have been examined for compressive strength before and after retrofitting. In this research Ferro-cementing has been used for the strength improvement of unreinforced brick masonry. The impact of plaster on the durability of walls has also been regarded.The research of trial outcomes generate, that appropriate retrofitting can reduce the problems occurring due to future earthquakes. Retrofitting improved not only the overall strength of unreinforced brick masonry walls by 40 % and also enhanced its ductility.
Unconfined Masonry Structures, Ductility, Compression Strength, Earthquake Disaster, and Retrofitting

Pages:       10-14

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